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A few years ago archaeologists excavation around the City of David, were thrilled to find a tunnel that ran from the Siloam pool until the Western Wall of Temple Mt. The Siloam pool is mentioned in the Bible when King Hezekiah dug a tunnel from the Gihon Spring in order to bring the waters within the city walls into the Siloam pool so that the population inside the walls would have water. (This is one of the most important Water Projects in Jerusalem, and I'll be talking about that in one of my next posts). The Siloam pool is also the place where Jesus did one of his miracles - cured a blind person. What is today called 'The pilgrims tunnel', was used at the beginning (during Herod's time) to drain rain water from the Temple area to the Siloam pool. Later on, the pilgrims began to use this tunnel to climb up from the Siloam pool all the way up to the Temple. In 70 AD when the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans many people in Jerusalem tried to hide in this tunnel. Josephus Flavius, in his writings, reminds us that many people were killed in this tunnel by the Romans. There are multiple archaeological findings that prove that people used this tunnel including some of the Priests of the Holy Temple. This magnificent archaeological finding is very interesting to visit and we will be visiting it during the

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