The Ministry of Jesus in Galilee
Jesus Miracles in Galilee
Breaking news from the past - lavish halls
Breathtaking discovery of lavish halls in the Western Walls Tunnels.
When History, Archaeology, and the Bible come together
“To Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus”, or “To Walk in the Footsteps of the Bible” or “The Bible Comes to Life”…your choice
A short tour of ancient Jerusalem
As you well know, we as a nation, continue to excavate our roots and look for our ancestors all the time. So this tour begins in the...
The Magnificent Palace of King David
I’d like to pay a tribute to the late Dr. Eilat Mazar, who passed away this week. Dr. Eilat Mazar came from a family of archaeologists....
The City of Bet-Shean - 8,000 Years of History
The amazing reconstruction of this Roman city with truly magnificent reconstruction of roman baths, roman streets, theater, public latrines
The Kidron Valley is located on the east side of the Old City of Jerusalem, between Mt. Moriah in the west and the Mt. of Olives in the...
The Bible Comes Alive - Game changers from the Bible – part 3 of 3
When visiting Israel you can literally feel how the Bible comes alive with every step you take. Every stone & every site tells you a...
Game changers from the Bible – part 2 of 3 - The Arad High Place
The Bible Comes Alive - Game changers from the Bible – part 2 of 3 When visiting Israel you can literally feel how the Bible comes alive...
Game Changers from the Bible - part 1 of 3
The Bible Comes Alive - Game changers from the Bible When you visit Israel you can literally feel how the Bible comes alive with every...