Herodium – an impressive palace built by Herod the Great
Herodium was built by Herod the Great as a fortress and place of refuge. It is a stunning and impressive site worth a visit.
Game changers from the Bible – part 2 of 3 - The Arad High Place
The Bible Comes Alive - Game changers from the Bible – part 2 of 3 When visiting Israel you can literally feel how the Bible comes alive...
Game Changers from the Bible - part 1 of 3
The Bible Comes Alive - Game changers from the Bible When you visit Israel you can literally feel how the Bible comes alive with every...
Capernaum - the Town of Jesus
The town of Jesus in the Galilee. Jesus spends, what are most probably, the most important 3 years of his life at the Northern Sea of...
Magdala – Hometown of Mary Magdalene
The Latin name is Taricheae – known as an ancient city in the Galilee, located in the North-Western part of the Sea of Galilee. The main...
King David - Part II
This is the 2nd post about the City of David, following my earlier post from last week where I discussed King David’s palace and city....
The Power of Names
We know that sometimes the name itself directs us to the history and the story of the place. The name Jerusalem, as we know it today,...
Sounds from the Past
The City of David is being excavated for quite some time now. In a previous post of mine, I discussed the Pilgrims Tunnel – a drainage...
News from the Past - Herod's Palace
A few years ago, in an excavation close by the Tower of David and the Citadel, the palace of King Herod the Great was found. We have...
King David's Private Altar?
Do we have a dramatic find? There is a lot of archaeological work being done in the City of David. Everyday day there are new finds and...