Exploring Archaeological Biblical Findings in Israel
Once again, I find myself repeating what I have told you multiple times: any place you dig in Israel, sooner or later, you’ll stumble on...
“Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, tell her that her sad days are over” (Isaiah 40:2)
I believe that I have already mentioned it thousands of times: we have a million more years of excavations in Jerusalem to uncover its...
Battle site where the Romans breached the Jerusalem Walls
Every archaeological dig is extremely exciting. Now imagine you are entering a time machine that takes you back about 2,000 years to the...
Another Rare Discovery – a papyrus with the name ‘JERUSALEM’
I have mentioned in the past that not one day goes by without a new archaeological discovery in Jerusalem. This reinforces the importance...
Treasures found at the Southern Wall Excavations!
Intense and very important archaeological excavations are taking place around the southern wall of Temple Mt., through the Ophel and up...
150 Years of Excavations in Jerusalem
New archaeological discoveries in Jerusalem are practically a daily event. So much so, that all the books on archaeology that I...
BREAKING NEWS FROM JERUSALEM – the past is creeping up on us.
Recent archeological diggings in the Western Wall Tunnels uncovered a Roman theater. It is very important to mention that these diggings...
Top Finds in Israel – King Hezekiah Seal
On the southern wall of the holy temple area, there is a place that is called the “Ofel” (HaOfel in Hebrew). Dr. Ayelet Mazar has been...
Western Wall Tunnels
JERUSALEM - the most famous city in the world. When an archaeologist finds a new site he asks himself 3 questions: Was there water here...
The Last Supper & Passover
The Upper Room on Mt. Zion where the Last Supper took place is one of the most visited sites in the Holy Land and included in the RELIVE...