Christian Monasteries in the Judean Desert
Tour guide Sam Gorenshten tells about the beautiful monasteries in the Judean Desert and their connection to the Essenes. Who are the monks
David Continues to Escape from King Saul
Last week's post was about David’s first stop during his escape from King Saul, at the cave of Adullam. If you missed that post, you can...
Masada shall NOT fall again!
I am back with the amazing story of Masada that reminds us that like then, also today, Israel is surrounded with enemies. As a young man,...
The Zealots in Masada
In my previous post I discussed Herod’s monumental achievement of building his palaces and refuge atop the Masada Mountain. This mountain...
Another Rare Discovery – a papyrus with the name ‘JERUSALEM’
I have mentioned in the past that not one day goes by without a new archaeological discovery in Jerusalem. This reinforces the importance...
En-Prat - an oasis in the desert
One of the most beautiful nature parks in the middle of the Judean desert. During the beginning of the century 4 AD, at the time...