The Bible Comes Alive - Game changers from the Bible – part 3 of 3
When visiting Israel you can literally feel how the Bible comes alive with every step you take. Every stone & every site tells you a...
The Symbols of Israel
"Yom Haatzmaut" (Independence Day) is fast approaching. Israel will be celebrating its 71 years if Independence next week. And... What is...
Exploring Archaeological Biblical Findings in Israel
Once again, I find myself repeating what I have told you multiple times: any place you dig in Israel, sooner or later, you’ll stumble on...
Another Rare Discovery – a papyrus with the name ‘JERUSALEM’
I have mentioned in the past that not one day goes by without a new archaeological discovery in Jerusalem. This reinforces the importance...
The Hebrew Language and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Hebrew language is one of the most ancient languages in the world – 4,000 years old! At the beginning, it was Aramaic with Hebrew and...