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Lifestyle Tours

Israel, though a small country, boosts many areas of interest for tourists with special unique dreams. So dream away an Agriculture Tour, Wine Tour, Health/Spa tour, Food Markets Tour and more. 

Private Tours

Family Adventure Tours

There are lots of fun & memorable family 'adventure's. To name a few: jeep riding through the Golan Heights, kayaking or rafting on the Jordan River, 

walk through IDF bunkers & trenches, visit an underground ammunition (bullet) factory, walk knee high deep in the water ways of ancient Jerusalem - Hezkia's Tunnel, swim with the dolphins in the Red Sea, enjoy the one-in-the-world underwater reef observatory, experience floating in the Dead Sea, national parks, cable cars...& so much more, family-friendly country-style B&B accommodation.

Combine business with history, spirituality, culture...and more. Pamper yourself and recharge your energy to strengthen your business. These boutique tours for business travelers take into consideration the fact that your time may be short and limited. Nevertheless, you can still explore, taste, and experience much of what Israel has to offer. Enrich your business travel and explore the Holyland, a melting pot of many cultures and multiple religions. 

One day tours are a great way of getting to know Israel. Leverage the small size of the country and the fact that you can get to see a LOT in one day, especially if you are travelling with a private tour guide. Below are examples of 'must-see' day tours in Israel. You are welcome to dream your own custom-day-tour, and as your private guide, I will ensure your dream comes true. 


Business Tours

Israel in a Day Day Tours

Business Tours
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