The Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor
One of the most important events in the life of Jesus on Earth, was the meeting on Mt. Tabor. When Elijah and Moses came to meet him there and even God himself, in front of 3 disciples, said: "This is my beloved son".
The Church was built by a very famous architect - Antonio Barluzzi. He has become to be known as the "Architect of the Holy Land" by creating, among many others, the pilgrimage churches at the Garden of Gethsemane, on Mount Tabor (considered to be the Mount of Transfiguration), on the Mount of Beatitudes (the site of the Sermon on the Mount). His designs include some hints, some symbols, about the story of the place. For example: the Church of the Transfiguration has two bell towers, and in their basement, we have two chapels "one for Elijah and one for Moses". Wow! this mountain is really so very important! Not to mention the meeting that took place on it between Moses, Elijah and Jesus, all in the presence of God and the 3 disciples as the witnesses.