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King David

We cannot talk about Jerusalem without mentioning King David. He is the King that came from Hebron and tried to find a suitable location for the capital of Israel. He found that the City of Yevus was just right. Traditionally, it was part of the Mt. Moriah where Abraham was ordered by God to sacrifice his only son Isaac. Politically, the location of the City of Yevus was on the border between the two tribes: Judea (the tribe of King David) and Benjamin (the tribe of King Saul that preceded David).

When David captured the City, he named it after himself: the "City of David". However, the name 'Jeursalem' has been strong enough through the years; hence, the city is called today Jerusalem. King David was considered as the strongest and most important King of Israel. In his time, the Kingdom of Israel flourished.

A lot of evidence has been excavated and discovered, especially in Khirbet Qeiyafa, or in Hebrew: 'Sha-a-ra-im', which means a city with two gates, which is mentioned in the Bible (Samuel 1 ch:17 verse:52). This video talks about King David as well as the excavations in 'Sha-a-ra-im' (Khirbet Qeiyafa).

Enjoy the video and tour.

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