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The Hebrew Language and the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Hebrew language is one of the most ancient languages in the world – 4,000 years old! At the beginning, it was Aramaic with Hebrew and this is also the language Jesus used to speak when he was on earth. To this day, there are Aramaic words that have become part of the written and the spoken Hebrew language.

The Scrolls of the Dead Sea were written in Hebrew letters 200 years before Jesus. It is amazing that anyone who reads Hebrew today is able to recognize the letters and read the text that was written 2,200 years ago.

We are very proud to hold one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century in the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem – the Dead Sea Scrolls. The scrolls are displayed in the Israeli Museum and are the most ancient copy of the Bible in the world. We continue to research and restore these scrolls.

In my next post, I am going to share with you another amazing discovery of more Hebrew scrolls that were found, dating 400 years before the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Scrolls are today housed and preserved at the Shrine of the Book Museum.

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