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Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee - in Hebrew we call it 'Kinneret'. This lake is very important to us for a few reasons: (1) This is where Jesus performed many of his miracles and gave his speech 'The Sermon on the mountain'. (2) This is the biggest fresh water reservoir and as a desert country it is extremely important and vital to us. (3) It is a Nature Reserve and we preserve it for recreation.

Israelis are very aware and conscience of the water levels of the Kinneret. On rainy winter days, the water level of the Kinneret is always reported in the news - what's the increase in water level? How much did it rise? And the National morale levels go up and down according to the Kinneret water levels.

Its location is along the middle of the Syrian-African rift. Its main source is the Jordan River from the North and the water continues flowing from the south of the Sea of Galilee all the way to the Dead Sea.

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