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Tel Dan

Tel Dan is located in the North of Israel on the border with Lebanon.

It is a nature reserve and an impressive archaeological site with unique findings from the Canaanite and Israelite cities and a Biblical High Place. It is worth a visit. BOOK now: REGISTER2017Tours. It combines both nature attractions - pools, streams, plantations - and historic biblical cities with unique findings.

Tel Dan is located right by the biggest sources of the Jordan River. 40% of the Jordan River waters come from the Dan Spring. It is no wonder, therefore, that a city was built here next to such abundance of water.

During the biblical period, 3,500 years ago, it was a Canaanite city named Laish. When Joshua Ben Nun conquered the country and divided it between the 12 tribes, the tribe of Dan got the entire area between Tel-Aviv of today (it’s northern border) and the city of Bet-Shemesh as its southern border. However, the Philistines continuously attacked the tribe of Dan and they were forced out of the center of Israel by the invading Philistines. The area on the foothills of Mt. Hermon was a perfect place since it was located in the heart of a fertile valley with plenty of water.

After King Solomon passed away, the Kingdom was separated into two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea. The capital of the Kingdom of Israel moved a couple of times from one place to the next and the City of Dan was the capital of the Kingdom of Israel for a while.

Archaeological discoveries: the gate of the City of Laish, dated approximately 5,000 years ago and the walls and the gate of the city of Dan that were built by the Israelites at the time of King Ahab. The most preserved part of the park is an excavation of the gate of the city which was very important in those days as the judge and the King used to sit at the gate to meet and greet the people. Also of importance is the four-horn altar of the golden calf that was discovered.

Thank you David Wexler for this video.

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