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Kidron Valley and Mount of Olives - Drive Thru History

The Kidron Valley is located on the east side of the Old City of Jerusalem, between Mt. Moriah in the west and the Mt. of Olives in the east. This valley drains the rain water from Jerusalem and from there the water flows to the Dead Sea.

The Kidron Valley is mentioned in the Bible as the Valley of Jehoshaphat and it is included in the RELIVE THE BIBLE TOURS.

This valley is holy and important to all 3 religions: Christians, Muslims & Jews. It is a unique & amazing to see this huge area crowded with tombs of 3 separate cemeteries: on the east – the ancient Jewish cemetery (the most ancient active cemetery in the world); in the middle – a Christian cemetery; and in the west a Muslim cemetery.

One of the RELIVE THE BIBLE TOURS HIGHLIGHTS is the night tour in this area – a very impressive experience and an emotional journey. We walk in the dark, between the cemeteries (the Jewish and Muslim ones) and the lit candles that are still burning on the tombs are just about the source of light and show us the way. Amongst the tombs we pass by are the tombs of Zechariah the prophet, those of the priestly family of Benei Hazir, and the tomb of Absalom, son of King David. This night tour ends close by Gethsemane and the All Nations Church.

Your are invited to learn more about Gethsemane & the Church of all Nations - refer to related posts in this blog.

The Olive Tree indigenous to Israel is a very special tree. It does not grow very tall, usually not higher than 6-7 meters high, and only the trunk grows all the time, getting wider and wider. New branches stem out from the old trunk, followed by leaves and fruit. That’s how this tree lives for so many years. The grove of olive trees in Gethsemane is more than 2,000 years old. WOW! Can you imagine what these olive trees could tell us if they could only talk?! Can you imagine what stories they could tell us?!

I’d like to thank Dave Stotts & the “Drive Thru History”: Holy Land series for this video.

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