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Breaking News – 1,800 year old mosaic uncovered in Caesarea

This is 1-week old news – it was announced only a few days ago and there is still much more work to be done. The pictures of the mosaic you’ll see are only part of the mosaic - the part that has already been uncovered – it is still work in progress.

During work on an expansion of Caesarea National Park a rare, colorful mosaic dating from the 2nd-3rd century was recently uncovered in the ancient port city of Caesarea.

The highlight of this find is a long inscription in ancient Greek.

There are three figures depicted on the uncovered section, as well as typical multicolored geometric patterns, which were formed using small tesserae (mosaic pieces) placed densely at about 12,000 stones per square meter.

It is yet unclear who these figures are and it depends on what was the building used for. If it was part of a mansion, they may be the owners, if part of a larger public building they may be the donors of the mosaic or other public figures.

The mosaic dates from when the area was the Roman Empire’s administrative center in the Judaea Province. “This time period is not often found in Israel” says Dr. Peter Gendelman.

Thank you Amanda Borschel-Dan - The Times of Israel's Jewish World and Archaeology editor.

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