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The Symbols of Israel

"Yom Haatzmaut" (Independence Day) is fast approaching. Israel will be celebrating its 71 years if Independence next week. And...

What is more symbolic to Israel than the Menorah or the Bible or the Star of David, and there are more… In the archaeological excavations we look for our roots, for our history, and we find them deep under this beautiful land.

I'd like to thank “The Watchman” for giving us the opportunity to glimpse some of the amazing finds in the archaeological excavations in Jerusalem.

The Menorah (7 candles) was the source of light in the Holy Temple. Today, this is the official symbol of the State of Israel – the Menorah with Olive Tree branches at its two sides. How could we know how the Menorah looked like 2,000 years ago to make it the official symbol of the State of Israel?

The Roman Caesar Titus, who destroyed the Holy Temple and the city of Jerusalem, built the famous Arch of Titus in Rome, near the Coliseum to commemorate his victories, including the Siege of Jerusalem. The south panel depicts the spoils taken from the Holy Temple: Roman soldiers carrying the Menorah. Thus, we have visual evidence of how the Menorah looked, 2,000 years ago. In years to come, after Israel became an Independent State and the diggings of our roots and history continues, many Menorah inscriptions were found and they all look very similar to each other - like the ‘original’ in the Arch of Titus and like Israel’s official Menorah symbol.

Another symbol, described in this video, are 2 silver scrolls from the time of the 1st Holy Temple, with the below inscription: May the LORD bless you and guard you May the LORD make His face shed light upon you and be gracious unto you May the LORD lift up His face unto you and give you peace Just imagine, these scrolls are 400 years older than the Dead Scrolls that are so famous and considered one of the major and most significant archaeological finds – the most ancient copy of the Bible in the world. Enjoy the video.

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